Have you ever seen one of the old burlesque strip shows?
There would be a naked woman behind these huge feathers. She would remove the feathers slowly or remove clothing behind the feathers in a MUCH MORE provocative manner than the ‘skrippers’ we see today.
Anyway, every once in a while another piece of clothing comes off of the big picture and I am able to see MORE. Meaning of life type, or just leave it at BIG PICTURE.
Anyway this came today:
I was remembering some of the tougher times that I’ve gone through (and still go through, I am an unemployable business owner) and have seen the wisdom and strength of my errors. Without getting too deep into it, this was it:
“When you find yourself on the journey THROUGH hell, don’t pack a tent.”
See, if you lose sight of the fact that you are meant to pass THROUGH you may take up residence. Remind yourself DAILY that you are passing through. Don’t accustom yourself to the pain of the hot coals beneath your feet.
I hope this helps you see more…
-Opi, ’06